Since 1921, we’ve been the heart of Alberta’s innovation engine as Canada’s premier applied research organization. From generating new ideas to testing, mitigating risk, and helping businesses and industries scale up their processes and products, our work has always focused on productive commercial applications. We have the capacity, tools, and expertise to solve whatever challenges our partners and clients face.
Through our world-class researchers, leading-edge facilities, and strategic investments, we pave the path of innovation that will feed, grow, fuel, and build Alberta’s economy. We also help our business and industry partners reduce their impact on our environment, improve their operations, and transition valuable technology and products to the market.
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alberta Innovates, we were established by the Government of Alberta to be a key component of Alberta Innovates’ Pathway to Commercialization. Our aim is to be indisputably recognized provincially, nationally, and internationally as a leading provider of applied research, development and innovation services to position Alberta Innovates as the leader in accelerating innovation in Alberta.
250 Karl Clark Road
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6N 1E4
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6N 1E4